The EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement

18/08/2011    76

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and the South Korea is the first completed of the new generation of FTA launched by the EU in 2007. It has been signed by both parties on October 6th 2010 in Brussels.

The agreement consists of 15 Chapters, 3 protocols, several annexes and appendixes and four understandings.

The EU – Korea Free Trade Agreement include:


Chapter 1: Objectives and general definitions

Chapter 2: National treatment and market access for goods

Chapter 3: Trade remedies

Chapter 4  Technical Barriers to Trade

Chapter 5  Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Chapter 6  Customs and Trade Facilitation

Chapter 7  Trade in services, establishment and e-commerce

Chapter 8  Payments and capital movements

Chapter 9  Government procurement

Chapter 10  Intellectual Property

Chapter 11  Competition

Chapter 12  Transparency

Chapter 13  Trade and Sustainable Development

Chapter 14  Dispute settlement

Chapter 15  Institutional, general and final provisions


Protocol 1: Rules of Origin

Protocol 2: Mutual administrative assistance in customs matters

Protocol 3: Cultural cooperation


Understanding on the cross-border supply of insurance  services as committed in the lists of commitments in Annex 7-A (List of Commitments)

Understanding on the Korean postal reform plan

Understanding concerning specific commitments on telecommunications services

Understanding on regulations relating to zoning, urban planning and environmental protection