The EU-Chile Association Agreement

23/08/2011    101

The Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, as other part was signed between European Community and Chile on November 18th, 2002 and entered into force on a provisional basis on February 1st, 2003.An additional protocol to the Agreement was added in May 2004 to take into account the enlargement of the European Union.The full agreement entered into force on 1 March 2005.

The EU-Chile Association Agreement included a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, which covered all the areas of EU-Chile trade relations. The agreement aims at eliminating barriers to trade and establishes clear, stable and transparent rules for exporters, importers and investors.

The contents of The EU-Chile Association Agreement include:


Part I:   General and Institutional Provisions   

Title  I  Nature and Scope of the Agreement    

Title  II Institutional Framework              

Part II:  Political Dialogue                               

Part III: Cooperation    

Title  I  Economic Cooperation           

Title II  Science, technology and Information Society 

Title III Culture, Education and Audio-Visual  

Title IV State Reform and Public Administration         

Title V  Social Cooperation     

Title VI Other Cooperation Areas         

Title VII General Provisions     

Part IV: Trade and Trade-Related Matters        

Title  I  General Provisions     

Title  II Free Movement of Goods        

Chapter I           Elimination of Customs Duties   

Chapter II          Non-Tariff Measures      

Chapter III         Exceptions       

Title III Trade in Services and Establishment  

Chapter I           Services          

Chapter II          Financial Services        

Chapter III         Establishment  

Title IV Government Procurement       

Title V  Current Payments and Capital Movements      

Title VI Intellectual Property Rights     

Title VII Competition    

Title VIII Dispute Settlement    

Chapter I           Objective and Scope     

Chapter II          Dispute Avoidance        

Chapter III         Dispute Settlement Procedure    

Chapter IV         General Provisions        

Title IX Transparency  

Title X  Specific Tasks in Trade Matters of the Bodies Established under this Agreement       

Title XI Exceptions in the Area of Trade          

Part V:  Final Provisions          


Annex I: Community's Tariff Elimination Schedule           

Annex II: Chile's Tariff Elimination Schedule                    

Annex  III: Definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation

Annex IV:  Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Applicable to Trade in Animals and Animal Products, Plants, Plant Products and Other Goods and Animal Welfare                                

Annex V: Agreement on Trade in Wines              

Annex VI: Agreement on Trade in Spirits Drinks and Aromatised Drinks                 

Annex VII: Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services         

Annex VIII: Schedule of specific commitments on financial services                      

Annex IX: Authorities responsible for financial services    

Annex X: Schedule of specific commitments on establishment     

Annex XI: Community's coverage on government procurement     

Annex XII: Chile's coverage on government procurement 

Annex XIII: Implementation of certain provisions of Part IV, Title IV                                   

Annex XIV: Regarding current payments and capital movement                 

Annex XV: Model rules of procedure for the conduct of arbitration panels    

Annex XVI: Code of conduct for members of arbitration panels                   

Annex XVII: Implementation of certain decisions of Part IV

Additional Protocol