The EU-South Africa Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement (TDCA)

25/08/2011    97

The Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement (TDCA) between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of South Africa, as other part was signed between European Community and South Africa in Pretoria on 11 October 1999.

The Agreement covers five areas of co-operation: political dialogue, development co-operation, co-operation in trade and trade related areas, economic co-operation and co-operation in other areas. The TDCA establishes preferential trade arrangements between the EU and South Africa, along with the progressive introduction of a free trade area.

The TDCA's trade-related articles were provisionally applied since January 2000. The Agreement fully entered into force on 1 May 2004 after ratification by all signatory parties.

The contents of The EU-South Africa Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement include:


Title I General Objectives, Principles and Political Dialogue

Title II Trade

            Section A: General

            Section B: Industrial Products

            Section C: Agricultural Products

Title III Trade Related Issues

            Section A: Common Provisions

            Section B: Right of establishment and supply of services

            Section C: Current Payments and Movement of Capital

            Section D: Competition Policy

            Section E: Public Aid

            Section F: Other trade-related provisions

Title IV Economic Cooperation

Title V Development Cooperation

            Section A: General

            Section B: Implementation

Title VI Cooperation in other areas

Title VII Financial Aspects of Cooperation

Title VIII Final Provisions


Annex I: List of agreed derogations to standstill and rollback (Republic of South Africa)

Annex II: Industrial Products (European Community)

Annex III: Industrial Products (Republic of South Africa)

Annex IV: Agricultural Products (European Community)

Annex V: Fisheries Products (European Community)

Annex VI: Agricultural Products (Republic of South Africa)

Annex VII: Fisheries Products (Republic of South Africa)

Annex VIII: Competition

Annex IX: Public Aid

Annex X: Exchange of Letters in relation to the wines and spirits Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa


Protocol 1: The definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation

Protocol 2: Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters