Full Text of ASEAN - Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement

15/11/2017    1102

Hong Kong and ASEAN commenced negotiations of a Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and a related Investment Agreement (AHKIA) in July 2014. After ten rounds of negotiations, Hong Kong and ASEAN announced the conclusion of the negotiations in September 2017. The FTA and the Investment Agreement (the Agreements) were signed on 12 November 2017.

The Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA) and the Investment Agreement (AHKIA) entered into force in full on 12 February 2021. The dates of entry into force of the FTA and the IA for Hong Kong and the ten ASEAN Member States are as follows:


Hong Kong, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam: 11 June 2019

Malaysia: 13 October 2019 

The Philippines: 12 May 2020

Indonesia: 4 July 2020 

Brunei Darussalam: 20 October 2020

Cambodia: 12 February 2021


Hong Kong, Laos, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam: 17 June 2019

Malaysia: 13 October 2019

Indonesia: 4 July 2020

Brunei Darussalam: 20 October 2020

Cambodia: 12 February 2021

The Agreements are comprehensive in scope, encompassing trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical co-operation, dispute settlement mechanism and other related areas. The Agreements will bring legal certainty, better market access and fair and equitable treatment in trade and investment, thus creating new business opportunities and further enhancing trade and investment flows between Hong Kong and ASEAN.

The Agreements will also extend Hong Kong's FTA and Investment Agreement network to cover all major economies in Southeast Asia. They are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2019 the earliest, subject to completion of the necessary procedures.

Free Trade Agreement: 



Chapter 1:

Establishment of the Free Trade Area, Objectives, General Definitions and Interpretations

Chapter 2:

Trade in Goods

Annex 2-1: (Schedules of Tariff Commitments)

Part 2: Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Part 3: Schedule of Cambodia

Part 4: Schedule of Indonesia

Part 5: Schedule of Lao PDR

Part 6: Schedule of Malaysia

Part 7: Schedule of Myanmar

Part 8: Schedule of the Philippines

Part 9: Schedule of Singapore

Part 10: Schedule of Thailand

Part 11: Schedule of Viet Nam

Part 12: Schedule of Hong Kong, China

          Search for Vietnam's tariff under AHKFTA

Chapter 3:

Rules of Origin

Annex 3-1: (Operational Certification Procedures)
Annex 3-2: (Product Specific Rules)
Annex 3-3: (Product Specific Rules to be reviewed)

Chapter 4:

Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation

Chapter 5:

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Chapter 6:

Standards, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures

Chapter 7:

Trade Remedies

Chapter 8:

Trade in Services

Annex 8-1: (Schedules of Specific Commitments)

Schedule of Brunei Darussalam

Schedule of Cambodia

Schedule of Indonesia

Schedule of Lao PDR

Schedule of Malaysia

Schedule of Myanmar

Schedule of the Philippines

Schedule of Singapore

Schedule of Thailand

Schedule of Viet Nam

Schedule of Hong Kong, China

Chapter 9:

Economic and Technical Co-operation

Chapter 10:

Intellectual Property

Chapter 11:

General Provisions and Exceptions

Chapter 12:

Institutional Provisions

Chapter 13:

Consultations and Dispute Settlement

Annex 13-1: (Rules of Procedure for Arbitral Tribunal Proceedings)

Chapter 14:

Final Provisions


Investment Agreement and two related side agreements:

Investment Agreement

Side agreement with Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore

Side agreement with Singapore