
Viet Nam to strengthen ties with Switzerland

28/01/2019    84

In a meeting with Swiss President Ueli Maurer yesterday, PM Phúc said Việt Nam attached importance to consolidating and strengthening its ties with Switzerland.

He took the occasion to thank Switzerland for supporting Việt Nam’s candidacy for a non-permanent member post in the UN Security Council for the 2020-21 tenure, and for committing an ODA of US$90 million for the country in the 2017-20 period.

Both sides agreed to select suitable projects to effectively use the financial resource, and to co-ordinate closely at multilateral forums – especially the United Nations – to ensure law, peace, stability and sustainable development in the region and the world.

PM Phúc voiced his hope to welcome more Swiss investors, especially those operating in finance-banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and tourism. He also said he hoped Switzerland and the European Free Trade Association would have a flexible and appropriate approach to approve the EU-Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), thus meeting the expectations of the two sides’ business communities.

At a meeting with his counterpart from the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, PM Phúc spoke highly of developments in multi-dimensional co-operation between the two countries, especially within the framework of the strategic partnership on adaptation to climate change and water management and the strategic partnership on sustainable agriculture and food security.

He said Việt Nam respected the assistance provided by the Netherlands in the areas of environment, education and agriculture, and wanted the Netherlands to continue assisting the country with new programmes. He said he expected the Netherlands to urge the European Union to sign and ratify the EVFTA and support peace, stability and navigational freedom, security and safety in the East Sea.

PM Phúc and his counterpart from the Czech Republic Andrej Babis shared their delight with growing bilateral ties, saying they would make efforts to push the implementation of signed agreements on economics, trade, culture, education and science. He thanked the Government of the Czech Republic for creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to integrate into the local society and contribute to the country’s development.

He said he expected that the Czech Republic would continue supporting and boosting the partnership and comprehensive cooperation between Việt Nam and the EU and the signing of the EVFTA. PM Andrej Babis said the Czech Republic was committed to strengthening and developing its traditional friendship and co-operation with Việt Nam.

On the same day, PM Phúc met with executives of leading international groups in finance and infrastructure such as Visa, Generali, Bank Julius Baer and the Development Bank of Japan. He informed them Việt Nam enjoyed a GDP growth rate of 7.1 per cent in 2018 – the highest level in 10 years. With its macro-economy and monetary market stabilized and inflation curbed, the business and investment environment has improved.

Most of the executives spoke highly of Việt Nam’s economic and financial achievements, indicating that the PM and the Government would continue carrying out measures to stabilise the financial sector and create a better environment for enterprises to maintain their business and invest in the country.

PM Phúc also had working sessions with former WEF Managing Director Philipp Rösler and leading investors from Switzerland.

Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc left Davos, Switzerland, yesterday afternoon (local time), wrapping up his four-day visit to attend the annual conference of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2019.

Source: Vietnam News