Decree 122/2016/ND-CP schedules of preferential import tariffs, list of goods and its flat tax, compound tariff, and out-of quota import tariff
25/02/2019 951Effective date: September 01, 2016
Issuing authority: the Government
Decree 122/2016/ND-CP schedules of preferential import tariffs, list of goods and its flat tax, compound tariff, and out-of quota import tariff (Vietnamese)(English)
- Decision No. 05/2007/QĐ-BKHCN Promulgating the Program for Realization of the Scheme on Implementation of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade in the period 2006-2010
- Circular No. 03/2007/TT-NHNN, guiding the implementation of several articles of The Decree No. 22/2006/ND-CP
- Circular No. 06/2009/TT-BCT guide the monitoring and evaluation of the results of the implementation of the Government's action program to implement the Resolution No. 16/2007/NQ-CP
- Decision No. 1099/QĐ-TTg Approving Protocol of Accession of Vietnam to the Advisory Centre on WTO Law