
EU-Vietnam FTA brings benefits to both sides

29/03/2019    92

The European Union - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) plays an important role in the promotion of bilateral economic and trade exchange, bringing about benefits for both sides, head of the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group Stephanie Do told Nhan Dan Online.

She noted that the Friendship Parliamentarians' Group at the French National Assembly strongly supports the signing and approval of this agreement.

"We strongly support the signing and approval of this agreement. The agreement plays a significant role in boosting economic and trade exchange, offering benefits for both Vietnam and EU. This is a new-generation agreement and a gateway for the EU to enter Vietnam and also for Vietnam to go into the EU," she emphasised.

Regarding the cooperation between Vietnam and France, Stephanie Do highly appreciated the determination of leaders of both countries in strengthening cooperation in various fields through the signing of cooperation agreements within the framework of recent high-level visits.

The two countries also held celebrations to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the fifth anniversary of the strategic partnership. The French Government expressed their wish to develop bilateral relations with Vietnam via high-level visits by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe last year and President Emmanuel Macron in the near future.

Stephanie Do said it was a great honour for her to receive General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong in Paris in March 2018 and to accompany French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe during his visit to Vietnam in November 2018. She added that the relationship between France and Vietnam has never been intensified as greatly as today, including strategic cooperation in all areas, such as economy, health and education.

The French NA deputy said that the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group wishes to promote the bilateral relations in all areas to enhance the position of France in Vietnam.

Stephanie Do is one of the first Vietnamese French people to join politics in France. She asserted that the more we integrate in the host country, more initiatives we will bring to our country.

"I have worked closely with the Vietnamese Embassy in France to promote Vietnamese culture, helping the French discover our rich and interesting culture. I have also worked with representatives of many associations to bring about mutual trust in the partnership. Standing side by side, we can boost beautiful images of Vietnamese culture as well as of the Vietnamese community who have integrated very well into French society," Stephanie Do said.

Source: Nhandan