Official Letter No.2669/TCHQ-GSQL on certificating origin of goods in CPTPP and EVFTA

03/06/2021    214

Issuing date: 31/05/2021

Issuing authority: General Department of Customs

On May 31, 2021, the General Department of Customs issued Official Letter No.2669/THCQ-GSQL to the Customs Departments of provinces and cities on the use of electronic copies of self-certification documents of origin of goods in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Vietnam - EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

Official Letter No.2669/TCHQ-GSQL stipulates that imported shipments with REX codes are valued at over 6000 Euros under the EVFTA Agreement and imported shipments under the CPTPP Agreement, Customs authorities accept the form of self-certification documents, which are issued electronically and sent to the importer on the general management system of the same corporation or sent through other electronic methods.

These forms of self-certification documents of origin are submitted to the customs authority by the declarant in the form of an attachment to the import customs declaration through the e-customs data processing system.

In particular, Customs authorities do not require declarants to submit self-certification documents of origin in CPTPP form or EVFTA form if these documents have been attached by the declarants on the e-customs data processing system.

Therefore, the customs authorities will check the self-certification documents of origin on the system submitted by the declarants to determine the origin of goods according to the law.

The Official Letter (in Vietnamese) is attached below.