Challenges and Opportunities for Vietnam in the TPP negotiations

09/01/2011    51

Challenges for Vietnam in the TPP Negotiations

•    Reforming labor laws to standards acceptable to TPP members
o    Collective bargaining
o    Right to organize
•    Non-Market Economy (“NME”) status
o    Considered a market economy by some TPP countries and not others
•    U.S. NME criteria statutory/not discretionary.
o    Currency convertibility
o    Internationally accepted workers rights/free bargaining for wages
o    Foreign investment
o    Government ownership/control of means of production
o    Government control over allocation of resources
o    Other factors
•    The TPP negotiations will not remove current U.S. AD/CVD measures in place.
o    U.S. import relief measures on separate, domestic administrative track.
•    The TPP negotiations will not constrain U.S. trade remedy measures against dumped or subsidized Vietnamese exports.
•    Risk of future AD/CVD investigations remain
•    U.S. will continue to use the NME methodology in AD cases until Vietnam graduates to ME status.
•    Implementation and capacity constraints
•    Non-Conforming Measures– Vietnam wants to take liberal exceptions from its GATS MFN obligations that the U.S. has thus-far resisted.
•    TRIPS-plus IPR commitments
•    GPA accession
•    Environmental commitments
•    SOEs
•    Tough rules in import-sensitive sectors to minimize leakage (China)
o    Textiles/Apparel:  yarn-forward rules, verification, no third country fabrics
o    Agriculture
Opportunities for Vietnam in the TPP Negotiations
•    Comprehensive, regional free trade agreement
•    Once-in-generation opportunity to leap forward on:
o    Economic development and boost exports
o    Trade facilitation/supply-chain efficiency
o    Modernize/upgrade services sector
o    Accelerate privatization of SOEs
o    Open procurement market
•    Broad scope of TPP will have benefits deep into the Vietnamese economy
•    Cutting-edge disciplines on:
o    Services (insurance, banking, financial, legal and brokerage)
o    Investment
o    Telecommunications and e-commerce
o    IPR
o    SPS
o    TBT
Opportunities for Vietnamese Exports 
Preferential market access to all TPP countries
•    Reduced duty/duty free for key exports to ALL TPP countries
•    Most near-term market access benefits in sectors with significant current trade (textiles and apparel; footwear).
o    Aquaculture
o    Textiles and Apparel
o    Footwear
o    Furniture
•    Tariff reductions on exports to U.S. a tax cut for U.S. importers
•    Access to U.S. services sectors, longer-term benefit
Improvement to import relief practices
•    AD/CVD questionnaires in Vietnamese
•    Working-group on NME graduation
•    Govt-to-govt. consultations in AD and CVD cases (not just CVD)
•    Pledge not to use AD/CVD measures (long shot)
•    Use TBT/SPS TPP commitments to avoid disputes (e.g. basa and tra)
Aquaculture (catfish fillets, shrimp and prawns, ect) 
•    Exports from Vietnam: $500 million in 2009
•    U.S. tariffs: Duty free to 6% ad valorem 
Apparel (Chs 61 and 62)
•    Exports from Vietnam): $4 billion in 2009
•    U.S. tariffs : Duty free to 32% ad valorem, and/or specific tariffs per kg.
Footwear (6401-6405)
•    Exports from Vietnam: $1.3 billion in 2009
•    U.S. tariffs: Duty free to 37.5% ad valorem, plus specific tariffs
Furniture (9401 and 9403)
•    Exports from Vietnam:  $1.35 billion in 2009
•    U.S. tariffs:  Duty free
Gains on tariff reduction/elimination important for footwear and apparel.
Aquaculture and furniture already duty free
•    TPP offers Vietnam a “not to be missed” opportunity to link its economy to the U.S. and other TPP members
•    Counter-balance to China’s regional influence
•    TPP will yield benefits deep into the Vietnamese economy:
o    Goods (potential for huge increase in exports of footwear and apparel; furniture and aquaculture
o    Services
o    Horizontal disciplines benefit Vietnam
o    regulatory coherence
o    SMEs
o    competition
o    Development
•    Opportunity to influence future composition, scope and ambition of TPP
•    Industry/business community support key for TPP success
o    Emphasize Vietnam’s considerable offensive interests
o    Defensive interests will speak for themselves
•    Not in Vietnam’s interest to seek a two-tier agreement
o    Support high-standards, high-ambition agreement
•    Opportunity for improved treatment in trade remedy measures
•    Future graduation from NME to ME status
•    Implementation challenges can be overcome:
o    political will
o    transition periods
o    capacity building assistance/outside resources.
Laywer Jay L. Eizenstat, Esq
Miller & Chevalier Chartered

Challenges for Vietnam in the TPP Negotiations

•    Reforming labor laws to standards acceptable to TPP members

o    Collective bargaining

o    Right to organize

•    Non-Market Economy (“NME”) status

o    Considered a market economy by some TPP countries and not others

•    U.S. NME criteria statutory/not discretionary.

o    Currency convertibility

o    Internationally accepted workers rights/free bargaining for wages

o    Foreign investment

o    Government ownership/control of means of production

o    Government control over allocation of resources

o    Other factors

•    The TPP negotiations will not remove current U.S. AD/CVD measures in place.

o    U.S. import relief measures on separate, domestic administrative track.

•    The TPP negotiations will not constrain U.S. trade remedy measures against dumped or subsidized Vietnamese exports.

•    Risk of future AD/CVD investigations remain

•    U.S. will continue to use the NME methodology in AD cases until Vietnam graduates to ME status.

•    Implementation and capacity constraints

•    Non-Conforming Measures– Vietnam wants to take liberal exceptions from its GATS MFN obligations that the U.S. has thus-far resisted.

•    TRIPS-plus IPR commitments

•    GPA accession

•    Environmental commitments

•    SOEs

•    Tough rules in import-sensitive sectors to minimize leakage (China)

o    Textiles/Apparel:  yarn-forward rules, verification, no third country fabrics

o    Agriculture

Opportunities for Vietnam in the TPP Negotiations

•    Comprehensive, regional free trade agreement

•    Once-in-generation opportunity to leap forward on:

o    Economic development and boost exports

o    Trade facilitation/supply-chain efficiency

o    Modernize/upgrade services sector

o    Accelerate privatization of SOEs

o    Open procurement market

•    Broad scope of TPP will have benefits deep into the Vietnamese economy

•    Cutting-edge disciplines on:

o    Services (insurance, banking, financial, legal and brokerage)

o    Investment

o    Telecommunications and e-commerce

o    IPR

o    SPS

o    TBT

Opportunities for Vietnamese Exports 

- Preferential market access to all TPP countries

•    Reduced duty/duty free for key exports to ALL TPP countries

•    Most near-term market access benefits in sectors with significant current trade (textiles and apparel; footwear).

o    Aquaculture

o    Textiles and Apparel

o    Footwear

o    Furniture

•    Tariff reductions on exports to U.S. a tax cut for U.S. importers

•    Access to U.S. services sectors, longer-term benefit

- Improvement to import relief practices

•    AD/CVD questionnaires in Vietnamese

•    Working-group on NME graduation

•    Govt-to-govt. consultations in AD and CVD cases (not just CVD)

•    Pledge not to use AD/CVD measures (long shot)

•    Use TBT/SPS TPP commitments to avoid disputes (e.g. basa and tra)


Aquaculture (catfish fillets, shrimp and prawns, ect) 

•    Exports from Vietnam: $500 million in 2009

•    U.S. tariffs: Duty free to 6% ad valorem 

Apparel (Chs 61 and 62)

•    Exports from Vietnam): $4 billion in 2009

•    U.S. tariffs : Duty free to 32% ad valorem, and/or specific tariffs per kg.

Footwear (6401-6405)

•    Exports from Vietnam: $1.3 billion in 2009

•    U.S. tariffs: Duty free to 37.5% ad valorem, plus specific tariffs

Furniture (9401 and 9403)

•    Exports from Vietnam:  $1.35 billion in 2009

•    U.S. tariffs:  Duty free

- Gains on tariff reduction/elimination important for footwear and apparel.

- Aquaculture and furniture already duty free


•    TPP offers Vietnam a “not to be missed” opportunity to link its economy to the U.S. and other TPP members

•    Counter-balance to China’s regional influence

•    TPP will yield benefits deep into the Vietnamese economy:

o    Goods (potential for huge increase in exports of footwear and apparel; furniture and aquaculture

o    Services

o    Horizontal disciplines benefit Vietnam

o    regulatory coherence

o    SMEs

o    competition

o    Development

•    Opportunity to influence future composition, scope and ambition of TPP

•    Industry/business community support key for TPP success

o    Emphasize Vietnam’s considerable offensive interests

o    Defensive interests will speak for themselves

•    Not in Vietnam’s interest to seek a two-tier agreement

o    Support high-standards, high-ambition agreement

•    Opportunity for improved treatment in trade remedy measures

•    Future graduation from NME to ME status

•    Implementation challenges can be overcome:

o    political will

o    transition periods

o    capacity building assistance/outside resources.

Laywer Jay L. Eizenstat, Esq

Miller & Chevalier Chartered