VN-EU FTA may wrap up in March

20/03/2015    46

Chief Negotiator of the EU, Mr. Mauro Petriccione, believes that as Vietnam is the first developing country to be involved in FTA negotiations with the EU, the bloc has taken into consideration the country’s development level and has shown flexibility in the negotiation process.

He explained the basic contents of the agreement, including the EU’s priorities in government purchases, State-owned enterprises, and market opening for goods, services and investment. He believes the two sides can wrap up the EU-Vietnam FTA quickly and the European Parliament (EP) will ratify it soon after.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to the EU, H.E. Vuong Thua Phong, highlighted the significance of the agreement for Vietnam. He stressed Vietnam’s political will to accelerate negotiations in line with its policy of comprehensive international integration, adding his hope that the two sides will conclude the FTA in the first quarter of this year in accordance with the agreement and directions of their leaders.

Ambassador Phong also took the occasion to call upon the EP to continuously support Vietnam and actively speed up the negotiation process and ratification of the trade deal.

Source: Vietnam Economic Times