The Interim Agreement with a view to an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Central Africa Party

16/08/2011    78

The Interim Agreement with a view to an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Central Africa Party, of the other part was signed between European Community and Cameroon on January 15th, 2009 and its force is now pending.

Aims of this Interim Agreement are to establish a basis for the negotiation of an EPA , foster the smooth and gradual integration of Central Africa into the global economy and strengthen existing relations between the Parties on the basis of solidarity and mutual interest.

The contens of the Interim Agreement include:


Title I Objectives

Title II Partnership for development

Title III Trade regime for goods

 Chapter I:  Customs duties and non-tariff measures

 Chapter II: Trade defence instruments

 Chapter III: Customs and trade facilitation

 Chapter IV: Technical barriers to trade, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures

 Chapter V: Forestry governance and trade in timber and forest products

Title IV Establishment, trade in services and e-commerce

Title V Trade-related rules

 Chapter I: Current payments and capital movements

 Chapter II:  Competition

 Chapter III: Intellectual property

 Chapter IV: Public procurement

 Chapter V:  Sustainable development

 Chapter VI: Protection of personal data

Title VI Dispute avoidance and settlement

 Chapter I:  Objective and scope

 Chapter II: Consultations and mediation

 Chapter III: Procedures for the settlement of disputes

 Chapter IV: General provisions

Title VII General Exceptions

Title VIII General and final provisions

Annexes and Protocol

Annex I Capacity building and modernisation of the economies of Central Africa under the EPA Central Africa/European Union joint guidance document

Annex II Customs duties on products originating in the territory of the Central Africa Party

Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters
