
Viet Nam’s logistics industry can reap the rewards of the country’s growing economy.


The Vietnamese Farmers Association, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and 250 business, farmers attended the forum “Together with Vietnamnese farmers to go to the global market” this morning.


U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday called his new trade deal with Japan “a game changer for our farmers and our


With members of the CPTPP trade deal set to meet in Auckland as its one-year anniversary looms, how has the deal helped Kiwi exporters so far - and where is it heading next?


Việt Nam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) and the Việt Nam Association of Supporting Industries (VASI) have been in Canada to explore new business opportunities.


Vietnam recorded a trade surplus of over 1 billion USD with the 10 other members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in the seven months since the deal took effect in the country in January, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs.


A majority of enterprises have little or no understanding of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) that took effect over seven months ago, which prevented them from capitalizing on the pact, heard a forum held in Hanoi City on August 30.


Vietnam posted a positive trade surplus of over 1 billion USD with ten countries in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) seven months after the trade deal came into effect, according to a report by the General Department of Vietnam Customs.


Experts have said Vietnam's pepper industry had better change its growth model and enhance quality to take advantage of free trade agreements (FTAs).


New-generation free-trade agreements have created a new impetus for attracting foreign investment in Vietnam. Economic expert Nguyen Van Toan of  the  Association of Foreign Invested Enterprises spoke with Customs News on this issue.
