
Following the First Recommendation on General Negotiation Strategies for Vietnam in TPP negotiations, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has conducted a survey to collect opinions from business associations and enterprises countrywide about market opening strategies of each industry, and made a recommendation to the Government on this issue. Download the full Recommendation here:


The Decision of the WTO Appellate Body in the DS397 case relating to the EU anti-dumping measures against Chinese steel fasteners may lead to some changes in the EU anti-dumping laws and regulations toward non-market economy countries. Therefore, the case result may have great impact on anti-dumping investigation procedures against non-market economy countries like Vietnam. Download the full study here:


This Study Report will analyze the Brazilian anti-circumvention laws and practices and make recommendations for Vietnamese association and businesses to successfully deal with the anti-circumvention case against Vietnamese footwear by Brazil. Download the full study here:


In December 2011, the US Court of Appeals issued a decision on the GPX Int’l Tire Corp. v. United States case in which rejected the US DOC’s use of countervailing duties against imports into the United States from non-market economy countries. Although the case relating to Chinese exporters but its decision will become a precedent having impact on Vietnam in current and upcoming countervailing cases by the US. Download the full study here:


On 15/11/2011, the US DOC issued a decision to initiate an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation against Vietnamese standard carbon steel pipe originating from Vietnam, India, Oman and Saudi Arabia. This Study Report will analyze advantages and disadvantages of Vietnam in the case and make recommendations for steel association and enterprises. Download the full study here:


After 4 years as a WTO member, Vietnam has had an important start in using the WTO dispute settlement mechanism to protect Vietnamese businesses’ rights and benefits in international trade: On 1/2/2010, Vietnam requested consultations with the U.S concerning US antidumping measures against Vietnamese frozen warm-water shrimps .. On 11/7/2011, the WTO Panel issued a Report to related parties in which upholding almost all arguments of Vietnam in the consultation request. This Study Report will analyze some key issues of the case and draw lessons for Vietnam. Download the full study here:


The European Union is one of the most important export market of Vietnam, also one of the most applicable of trade remedies measures against Vietnamese exports up to now. Therefore, any changes in its trade remedies laws and regulations have direct impact on Vietnamese export. This report will study on potential changes in trade remedies laws and regulations of the EU and make recommendations for Vietnam businesses and associations. Download the full study here:


On 18/01/2012, the US DOC issued a decision to initiate an antidumping and countervailing investigation against Vietnamese steel wire garment hangers. This report will provide some key information of the case and make recommendations for Vietnamese steel businesses and association. Download the full study here:


On 16/3/2011, the EU Commission issued a decision to end the anti-dumping duty order applying on footwear originating from Vietnam and China. Accordingly, the anti-dumping measures will be removed from 1/4/2011. This anti-dumping case against one of the key exports of VN in one of the most important market has finally ended after 5 years. Therefore, it is significant to review the case and draw experiences for Vietnamese businesses. Download the full study here:


This Study Report will give an overview of trade remedies cases against Vietnamese products by the 2 most important markets of Vietnam – the EU and US and make recommendations for Vietnamese businesses to actively avoid/deal with such barriers in the coming time. Download the full study here:
