Determining the classification of goods imported into South Korea

Determining the classification (HS) for a product is a very important step in determining the tariff applicable to that product. According to the World Customs Organization (WCO), member countries will impose the first 6 numbers of an HS code, subsequent numbers in the HS code are at the sole discretion of each country, so these numbers may be different between countries.

Vietnam is currently applying the 8-digit HS system according to the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN), while South Korea applies the 10-digit HS code. Therefore, to import goods into South Korea, businesses should pay attention to determining the HS codes of the goods according to Korea's 10-digit HS system, instead of Vietnam's 8-digit HS code. 

Businesses can look up Korea's HS codes for imported goods at the following link: Businesses must base on the detailed description of the goods to determine the correct classification of goods. If businesses are unsure about the classification of their goods, they can send requests to the Customs Valuation and Classification Institute for Advance Rulings on HS code classification. 

Accurately determining HS code of goods is very important, not only for import declaration but also for declaration on the certificate of origin (if any) in case imported goods want to enjoy preferential tariffs under FTAs between Vietnam and South Korea (AKFTA, VKFTA and RCEP).

Source: Center for WTO and International Trade