The meeting took place in the first days of 2024 in an exciting spirit to effectively implement the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress as well as the 2021-2025 Socio-economic Development Plan, with a look towards the 14th National Party Congress.

After thorough discussion, the National Assembly passed an amended Land Law, an amended Law on Credit Institutions, a resolution on some special mechanisms and policies to accelerate the implementation of national target programmes, and a resolution on allocating more capital to the national power utility EVN.

The decisions, which were made with high consensus from National Assembly deputies and strong support from the people, are highly important and strategic to the country’s development. The Land Law is a complex law of enormous importance and with wide-ranging impacts on people’s life. It is also of special importance to the country’s political and socio-economic life, national defence, security, and environmental protection.

The adoption of the amended Land Law demonstrates the total agreement between the Party’s ideas and the people’s wishes. The 15th National Assembly made great efforts to complete one of the most important law-making tasks of the term in accordance with the 2013 Constitution and the Party’s guidelines. From the results of legislative programmes, supreme supervision and decision on national important matters, the National Assembly and its members have continuously renovated their thinking and working methods while taking bold measures to enhance the quality of legislative work and meet the people’s wishes and the country’s development and international integration requirements.

The National Assembly also passed the amended Law on Credit Institutions, with direct impacts on financial and monetary policies and macroeconomic stability to meet the requirements of reality, ensure a safe, healthy, transparent, stable and sustainable banking system, and enhance its competitiveness as an important capital channel of the economy.

Voters and people have highly appreciated the decision to pass the resolution on some special mechanisms and policies to accelerate national target programmes and many other urgent projects.

After this meeting with major trailblazing policies, the Government needs to promptly organise the implement the laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly, issue implementation guidance documents and promote communication so that these laws will soon come to life.

Right from the start of 2024, the whole Party, along with people, armed forces, sectors and localities, must swiftly grasp the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, National Assembly, and Government and implement them in a prompt and synchronous manner to meet the actual development needs.

In his closing address, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked the Government to prepare resources and issue a specific implementation plan to soon bring the amended Land Law into life.

To effectively implement the resolution on some special mechanisms and policies on national target programmes, the National Assembly asked the Government to continue reviewing, revising and supplementing relevant documents to ensure synchronicity with this solution, as well as quickly arrange resources, increase devolution and facilitate ministries and localities in their implementation.

With the successful meeting at the start of a new year, voters and people nationwide have expressed their wish that the National Assembly will continue to bring the proactive law-making spirit into play and make prompt decisions to create development breakthroughs.

The National Assembly is also expected to work side by side with the Government and agencies in the political system to successfully fulfil socio-economic development tasks in 2024 and the 2021-2025 period, helping to advance the country’s rapid and sustainable development.