The Office of the United States Trade Representative released its 2023 Report to Congress on China's WTO Compliance last week. The report claims that "China remains the biggest challenge to the international trading system established by the WTO".

The head of the department of WTO affairs under China's Ministry of Commerce said that the Chinese government has noted the unfounded accusations in this report, according to a statement released by the commerce ministry.

The United States has disregarded China's significant achievements in fulfilling its WTO commitments. It has distorted the country's accomplishments in socialist market economic development, reform and opening-up.

Additionally, the US has denied China's important contributions to the multilateral trading system and global economic growth, said the commerce official.

The United States has been using baseless and arbitrary standards to criticize China's trade and economic policies, showcasing its unilateralism and bullying behavior, the official added.

Since joining the WTO, China, as the largest developing member, has consistently supported the multilateral trading system, practiced true multilateralism and fulfilled its WTO commitments. China has continuously improved its socialist market economy system and legal framework based on its national conditions, expanded high-level institutional opening-up, and actively participated in WTO reforms, according to the statement.

The statement said that China has also assisted other developing members, especially the least developed countries, in integrating into the multilateral trading system.

Source:China Daily