Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Đỗ Thành Trung has expressed his wish for the support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in optimising investment resources for agriculture and rural development.

During a recent working session with ACIAR CEO Wendy Umberger, Trung emphasised Việt Nam's commitment to agriculture, highlighting it as a national advantage and a pillar of the economy.

Việt Nam’s vision underlines a multi-pronged approach, promoting efficient, sustainable agriculture with integrated multiple-value approaches, he said, adding that this strategy prioritises increasing product value, competitiveness, and linkages across the entire supply chain, from processing and post-harvest preservation to market expansion. Additionally, it encourages the growth of green, organic and circular agriculture.

Trung further requested the ACIAR's assistance in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by new-generation free trade agreements (FTAs), revised investment policies, and the global trend toward organic agriculture and minimised emissions in production.

Umberger, for her part, reaffirmed the ACIAR's role as an Australian Government agency dedicated to supporting developing countries in achieving sustainable development goals. She outlined its longstanding partnership with Việt Nam, with a cooperation programme active since 1993.

To date, the ACIAR has assisted Việt Nam with policy research, particularly in areas related to food security and investment attraction in agriculture and rural development. She also highlighted the ACIAR’s recent focus on climate change and emission reduction initiatives.

The working session aimed to build projects that bring real value to Việt Nam’s agriculture sector by integrating environmental and climate-related considerations to ensure farmers' resilience in the face of climate change. 

Source:Viet Nam News