
Product quality a prerequisite to win RoK consumers’ taste

25/02/2019    113

Vietnamese exporters should improve quality of their products if they want to increase their shipments to the Republic of Korea (RoK), the market that is enforcing more stringent control on imported products, experts have said.

The Positive List System (PLS) has been carried out in the East Asian country to strengthen safety management of all the imported agricultural products, including those from Vietnam, since January 1. This means Vietnamese enterprises need to pay close attention to the fact that only those products with safe standards of residue level are allowed to break into this market.

Local firms are urged to study and comply with the RoK’s residue regulations to ensure their foothold in this important market.

Besides, they should pay attention to bettering their packaging as RoK shoppers prefer products with eye-catching wrapping.

According to the General Department of Vietnam Customs, Vietnam exported 19.6 billion USD worth of products to the RoK in 2018, up 21.4 percent against the previous year. In January this year alone, Vietnam earned 1.83 billion USD from exporting products to the East Asian country.

The RoK is currently an important market of Vietnamese agricultural products. Exports of seafood, vegetable and fruits to the RoK have been on the rise, particularly after the Vietnam-Korea Free Trade Agreement took effect in late 2015.

Source: VNA