Official Letter No. 5079/TCHQ-GSQL implementation of Article 4.11 EVFTA Agreement

06/08/2020    71

Issuing date: July 31, 2020 

Issuing authority: General Department of Customs

In order to implement Article 4.11 of EVFTA Agreement, the General Department of Customs has issued a document 5079/TCHQ-GSQL guiding the provisions on customs declarants in case foreign traders do not have a presence in Vietnam.

Earlier, on June 8, 2020, the National Assembly promulgated Resolution No. 102/2020/QH14 ratifying the Free Trade Agreement between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the European Union (hereinafter EVFTA Agreement). Accordingly, this Agreement takes effect as of August 1, 2020.

Implementing the EVFTA Agreement and Resolution No. 102/2020/QH14, the General Department of Customs requested the units to implement the provisions of Article 4.11 of the EVFTA Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 102/2020/QH14.

Accordingly, the provisions on customs declarants in case of foreign traders not present in Vietnam are made as follows: In case foreign traders do not have a presence in Vietnam, the customs declaration is possible. by customs clearance agents or representatives of foreign traders in Vietnam named on the export right and import right registration certificate.

Official Letter (in Vietnamese) is attached below: