
CPTPP: Supporting rules-based international order

08/10/2020    52

It has been more than two years since Malaysia and ten other countries signed the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Seven have already ratified the agreement. Malaysia is among those that have yet to do so.

While this may be the result of domestic political developments, there remains fundamental concerns relating to the agreement that continues to divide public opinion; despite great assurances having been given that these areas have been accorded sufficient protection.

However, domestic economic and social concerns are just part of the picture. There are geo-economic and geopolitical considerations as well. The world is witnessing the emergence of a New Cold War. The rise of China is a matter of concern for the United States as well as those within the region like Japan, Australia, India and some of the Asean members.

The developments in the South China Sea (linked to China's nine-dash line) has understandably raised tensions; prompting even Malaysia to submit a note verbale to the United Nations to challenge these claims.

Source: New Straits Times