
Taiwan - Removing trade barriers key to joining CPTPP: Foreign ministry

17/02/2021    30

The foreign ministry says that Taiwan will have to remove trade barriers and comply with free trade regulations in order to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The  CPTPP is a free trade pact led by Japan.

The foreign ministry said that the safety of food imports originating from around Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture is a particular issue. Taiwan has banned the import of food products from the area since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The ministry says this is a trade issue that must be dealt with between Taiwan and Japan if Taiwan is to consider entering the CPTPP. 

Meanwhile, head of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, Kuo Chung-shi, says that the WTO follows high standards of trade liberalization. Kuo said Taiwan has to meet these standards before consultations with any CPTPP member country about joining the trade bloc.

Source: RTI