
Apparel and footwear businesses risk losing orders amid prolonged COVID-19

16/08/2021    40

The ongoing wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the supply chain of local export industries, including garments and textiles, and footwear, if no solution is found soon to help businesses overcome their difficulties, many face the risk of orders being halted or cancelled.

The impact of the pandemic is therefore making it difficult for many textile and garment enterprises to maintain production and business, with a few that are applying an on-the-spot working model also at risk of unstable operations.

Currently, the two most significant challenges facing the domestic textile and garment industry are supply chain disruptions and labour shortages.

Le Tien Truong, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), stated that production under the on-site working model can only be maintained in the short term. Due to this, localities must be flexible in order to assist enterprises ensure production and business activities in a safe manner based on unified standards.

In relation to the leather and footwear industry, the pandemic is also making it difficult for businesses in the industry to apply the on-site option.

According to details given by Phan Thi Thanh Xuan, vice president and General Secretary of the Vietnam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association (LEFASO), the application of a flexible new production model in line with the current situation does not mean that the "in place" working model can be negated.

Furthermore, local firms implementing the on-site model should continue to be maintained and encouraged, while those that are facing difficulties should be flexible in terms of applying safe production plans as a means of ensuring regulations on pandemic prevention and control.

With the characteristics of each enterprise and industry being very different, it is therefore necessary to improve the flexibility of businesses as a way of proposing the most suitable plans for production, Xuan said.

She went on to stress that it is vital to improve the responsibility of firms and their participation in terms of pandemic prevention and control, whilst developing on-site medical facilities for enterprises in order to respond to emergencies.

Health experts believe that the application of measures aimed at preventing the further spread of the disease remains necessary, with the correct approach and strategy making pandemic containment process more effective.

Source: VOV