
Allocating resources for quick customs clearance and supporting businesses

17/09/2021    37

Government Resolution 105 dated September on supporting businesses, cooperatives and business households amid the Covid-19 pandemic has requested many agencies to perform to ensure smooth circulation of goods, and prevent supply chain disruption.

Allowing the submission of scanned copy certified with digital signature

The Government has asked the Ministry of Finance to direct the General Department (GDVC) to comply with Article 50 of the Customs Law 2014 to quickly clear goods for goods aid, donations/gifts from foreign governments or imported by domestic organisations and individuals to support and donate to the Government, the Ministry of Health, and local governments for disease prevention and treatment.

Firms, cooperatives and business households are allowed to submit scanned copy certified by digital signatures for documents that must be provided paper/notarised/certified documents to prevent goods congestion as customs clearance, they will submit these documents after goods are cleared for post clearance audit.

The GDVC is required to instruct local customs departments and branches to allocate human resources to clear goods in a continuous, timely and safe manner, meeting demands of firms manufacturing and processing parts of electronic products and advanced technology; firms, cooperatives and business households importing essential goods for disease prevention and treatment, and medical nutrition food and milk for children.

Unified implementation of “green channel”

The resolution asks the Ministry of Transport to guide local governments to perform the “green channel” for land and sea transport nationwide, inter-provincially, and inter-regionally based on the principle of carrying out procedures in a simple, quick and convenient manner. They should exploit advantages of railway transportation in goods supply chain. Not to supplement requirements, affecting to goods circulations, such as essential goods and production raw materials and materials; prevent negative acts, leading to the increase in costs.

The ministry is also asked to work with the Ministry of Health, central agencies and local governments to issue the provisions on delivery and transportation amid the Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control, and report in September.

The Government requests the Ministry of Industry and Trade to work with central agencies and local governments to strengthen market surveillance to ensure key materials and goods for business production and lives prevent price increase.

Strengthen the provision of information, markets, import and export demand of other countries; support online trade promotion; connect supply and demand, fairs and exhibitions in the digital environment; continue to support localities to boost consumption of agricultural products in the domestic market and expand exports to markets with great potential.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is assigned to work with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, localities, associations and commodity sectors to monitor production, consumption, activities of agriculture, forestry and fishery operators; provide solutions to remove and prevent production disruption, ensure supply and consumption of foods and essential consumer products when implementing social distancing.

The State Bank must direct, monitor and urge credit institutions to implement solutions to support and remove difficulties in loans for traders, firms, cooperatives and business households that purchase and temporarily store paddy and rice, especially in the Mekong Delta.

The Government directs localities to research and agree on the plans and conditions for safe production and business in line with disease development in localities and actual operation of firms, cooperatives and business households; actively decide and take responsibility for allowing them to resume operations as meeting requirements on disease prevention and control; minimise the closure of the whole factory.

Localities must assess the abilities of firms, cooperatives and business households in satisfying conditions for Covid-19 prevention and control as applying models of “one route-two destinations”, “three-on-the spot” and other appropriate models.

The Government also asks localities to remove congestion and disruption supply chain due to shortcomings in implementing procedures for Covid-19 prevention and control, comply with instructions from the Government; not to issue sub-permits and regulations that prevent goods circulation, increase cost for firms, cooperatives and business households.

Source: Custom News