
Apparel enterprises seeks to achieve greater penetration in European market

23/05/2022    58

To access and expand in the European market, textile and garment enterprises must stay active in ensuring commodity sources and optimise preferences from the Europe-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in order to engage in the supply chain, according to industry insiders.

In order to help apparel enterprises gain a greater understanding of the European market and the contents which must be prepared when exporting goods to this market, the Southern Regional Technical Development Support Center (IDCS) has co-ordinated with the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) and relevant units to hold a webinar examining ways to supply textile products to Europe.

The primary aim of the webinar is to support the country in promoting market development in Germany following the enforcement of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) which came into force back in August, 2020.

Under the terms of the trade deal, tariff barriers have been removed for many export products from both the nation and the EU, thereby creating a driving force for increasing bilateral trade moving forward.

Import and export activities are therefore in full swing and are projected to record robust growth, offering a great opportunity for many export industries, including the Vietnamese apparel industry.

Hoang Ba Son, director of IDCS, said through the seminar, local businesses are able to participate in a programme to expand trade exchanges with the European market and attend the MFS- Munich Fabric Start Fair of Germany, which will be organised by the IDCS in early September.

“When partaking in the “MFS- Munich Fabric Start” Fair, textile enterprises need to identify their strengths and competitiveness as well as prepare communication materials to promote products,” said Son.

At the seminar, experts and speakers also shared and provided information about the textile industry within the European market, as well as issues to be prepared when engaging in supplying products to this demanding market.

Source: VOV