Press release: “Vietnam for Mexican Companies. Business Guide”

21/06/2024    5

Time: 06/2024

By: Embassy of Mexico in Vietnam, COMCE Western Division, Bancomext-Nafin

Among the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Vietnam is the second largest trading partner of Mexico and is also one of the 10 largest export partners to this market (ITC Trademap, 2023). Bilateral trade between Mexico and Vietnam has grown exponentially since the CPTPP agreement took effect for both countries.

Based on the strong foundation between two countries, the business handbook was published with a view to supporting Mexican businesses interested in exporting or expanding their operations in the Vietnamese market.

The document includes 13 chapters with practical and concise information about the economy, foreign trade of Vietnam, bilateral trade between Mexico and Vietnam, fields, products and opportunities for Mexican businesses in the market, useful tools related to the CPTPP Agreement, industry fairs in Vietnam, as well as useful contacts for doing business with this country, among many other topics.

Handbook (in Mexican) is attached below: