Eping - Track product requirements in export markets

02/03/2020    237

Website: https://www.epingalert.org/en

ePing enables timely access to evolving product requirements and facilitates dialogue amongst the public and private sector in addressing potential trade problems at an early stage.


Products entering a market need to be in line with that market’s product requirements. As a producer, trader or government official, it is important to be informed when a government is planning to revise regulations on product requirements (also referred to as Sanitary or Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) or Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) within the WTO). On the ePing website, you can subscribe to receive email alerts on planned regulatory revisions covering products and/or markets of interest to you. ePing also includes a communication platform where you can discuss these upcoming changes with fellow stakeholders and government officials, such as SPS/TBT enquiry points. SPS/TBT enquiry points often serve as a liaison between national stakeholders and other WTO members and can help tracking and addressing issues related to upcoming regulations. A dedicated admin page for government officials working on SPS/TBT transparency matters helps to manage ePing at the national level.

ePing shares information on product requirements using data compiled by the World Trade Organization (WTO). WTO Members are normally required to inform each other when planning to change product requirements and provide an opportunity for other Members to comment on these requirements. They do so by submitting a two-page info sheet on the regulation with information on products covered, a brief summary of the regulation and the deadline for providing comments. These info sheets, called SPS or TBT notifications, are sent to ePing users based on their interests. More information on ePing, SPS and TBT notifications and related issues can be found on the reference materials page.

Who are we?

ePing is the result of three international organizations, the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the WTO and the International Trade Centre (ITC), combining their expertise and experience to facilitate easy access to pertinent trade information: product requirements in foreign markets. The UN built the pilot version of ePing as part of a trade capacity building project for least developed countries. The WTO manages the depository of SPS and TBT notifications and works together with SPS and TBT enquiry points. ITC brings experience in developing and maintaining online trade-related tools, targeted mainly at Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), and hosts the IT infrastructure and development. The three organizations are also involved in capacity building activities on ePing.

ePing User Guide is attached below: